Intern Blogs

The Benefits of Online Learning

By in Intern Blogs

Guest post By Sree Vidya Susarla | March 20th 2021
Reading Time: 4 minutes

I strongly believe in the saying that “man should be a lifelong learner” and “he/she should love what they are learning”.


Having worked at the junction of technology and education, I never would have predicted that the first excitement at home, over online learning would be the result of my teacher yelling at my 6th grade sister to stop using Zoom’s virtual background function to turn her background into a beach place. 


School, college, the office are places for building friendships, learning responsibility, and getting an escape from the house, but it seems as though this pandemic has taken that all away from us. The way we work has changed and it is continuing to change which made an individual focus on the online learning revolution.


Remote learning helps an individual who works full time or doesn’t have an opportunity to attend the college or university learn something they are passionate about virtually from anywhere by providing online training materials. It’s become a go-to training method for growing businesses, as it enables managers to train every person on the necessary topics regardless of location. It is an effective method of providing flexible education that allows students and employees to engage with their coursework at a more personalized pace. This helps remote learners to carry on with their personal work, professional work, family-related commitments, while still attaining the education they’re after.


Remote learning can be fun if it follows a play-way method by making it more interactive. The success of remote learning lies in a supportive infrastructure that is maintained when every component of the education world is ready and prepared to assist each other with the technical and general ins-and-outs of remote learning.


The subject, concepts, technologies and the knowledge you gain by learning remotely can be used in your everyday work, online coding contests and online contributions that you make to open source projects. You tend to perform better with online learning conditions than those with face to face instructions because, remote learning being a more personalized and independent activity, allows people to study through methods that best suit their interests, and leads to better academic results.


Remote learning also provides other career or educational opportunities while completing their online coursework. This could include taking up internships while studying or enrolling in additional courses with control over schedule, remote students can very well tend to multiple professional goals and demands. Through advanced technologies, remote students can easily build their professional network and expand their career opportunities right from their living room couch.


I had a great experience with remote learning as I had an opportunity to wear different hats by participating in the online forum discussions about different concepts, reviewing other people’s codes, solving problems quickly, interacting with different people( networking), sharing ideas, got many certifications done and got exposure and experience which not only helped me exercise my technical skills but also helped me gain interpersonal skills.

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