Career Coaching

Resume Writing to Land Your Remote Internship

By in Career Coaching

Here at Remote Internships, we know the value of a sharp and effective professional resume. We have matched hundreds of interns to remote internships at top companies, and we know what it takes to make your resume stand out. A one-to-one consultation with a CareerUp Career Coach will put you on the fast track to being noticed in an increasingly competitive job market.


The resume is the most effective tool to market yourself to employers for your remote internship job. You want to capture attention and create action. This can be challenging, as HR managers spend an average of 7 seconds looking at a resume! Keeping this in mind, a professional resume needs to be vivid and to the point. Utilizing the given space to have the most profound effect.

Tailoring Your Resume

Tailoring your resume is the key to an effective resume. Adjusting your resume is the best thing you can do to automatically boost your chances of success. This can be done by emphasizing relevant professional experience, schoolwork, and skills to demonstrate maximum value.

We recommend using a one to two-page format, by making good use of your “advertising space” and by keeping information relevant and concise. A good way to know whether to include an accomplishment or experience is to ask yourself a simple question: Is this information important for the internship I am applying for? Too often, we see wildly long resumes that list every task completed in every job from 10 years ago. Instead, try listing relevant experience and it’s associated achievements made in your previous jobs or internships.


Pro Tip: Try replacing your responsibilities with achievements. The more quantifiable the better!

Eg. Marketing intern at Tesla

     Managed social media:  Increased social media traffic by 50% by expanding social media accounts

     Created marketing content:  Achieved significant exposure for new projects

     Expanded marketing platforms:  Increased marketing platforms reach by 20% by utilizing tracking technology


Aiming Your Resume

One page to describe your entire professional life isn’t a lot, so it’s important to define priorities.


Which of your accomplishments will be the most valuable in the position you are applying for?

Are your previous internships or work experience more important than your education for this role?


These questions can help determine what information needs to be at the top of your CV. Keeping in mind the 7-second rule, it is important to put your best foot forward and to catch the employer’s attention with your strongest asset.


Keep in mind that for the CareerUp program, you are applying for internships from home. Mentioning that you managed a local project and have no digital experience won’t deliver the desired effect unless you provide context and meaning. If you are in doubt whether the hiring manager will understand the significance of your role or achievements, then it is best to be as clear as possible by providing a small description.


Adjusting the terminology to make your accomplishments instantly recognizable can really help hiring managers to get a clearer picture of who you are and why you deserved to be hired for their international internships.


These high-level improvements to a clean and well-formatted layout will move your resume from average to attention-grabbing. Our integrated resume and LinkedIn coaching will put you on the path to securing the remote internship of your dreams!


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