Career Coaching

How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile

By in Career Coaching

Building a solid and marketable LinkedIn profile has become a new essential in the international internship and job search. More and more hiring managers are researching applicants online before making a decision on a profile. It’s important to be ready with a profile that shows your professional aptitude and greatest accomplishments. With integrated LinkedIn coaching, our team can help you create and maintain a strong profile that will start your relationship with your prospective employer on the right foot.


Professional Photo

The first and most important step in setting up your new profile is to have a professional photo taken. A simple mid-shot in business attire with a plain white background is the perfect start to a clean look. Remember, it’s ok to smile! Clean, does not have to necessarily mean serious. You want to convey openness and friendliness.

Here’s a great example from one of our alumni. 


Your headline

On top of your LinkedIn profile is the headline section. This is a one-line opportunity to tell the world who you are, and it is important to take full advantage of the limited space. By default, your current occupation will be submitted, however, if you are looking to stand out try putting a personal twist on it.


Example: Marketing at PWC Marketing Specialist in International Brand Recognition and Management


Your Summary

The summary section is where you will want to spend the most amount of time going into further detail about who you are and what you offer. This is a great chance to display your key values, greatest achievements, passions, strengths and personality. Refer back to your headline and really let your prospective employer know who you are. Steer away from the overused buzzwords as your summary should be as unique as you are.

Here’s an example of a great summary from Andrew:



Experience is key. This section is an expansion of your resume. So, take full advantage of the bigger and more interactive interface that LinkedIn offers. Create a more cohesive profile by emphasizing relevant experience and associated accomplishments that correspond with your headline. Back up your experience by utilizing the multimedia tools, uploading blog posts and projects that you feel can improve your profile.


Finishing Touches

Here are a few final tips that will keep your LinkedIn profile looking clean and inviting:

  • Customize your LinkedIn URL (preferably to your name/field combination)
  • Join relevant groups for your field
  • Turn off notifications for adjustments
  • Seek out connections
  • Reorder your profile to emphasize your brand


Creating a LinkedIn profile can seem like a daunting task, however, it can pay off tremendously when searching for internships abroad. Being able to put your best foot forward online is becoming increasingly important and can benefit your entire career.

If you need a little extra help, explore our coaching services designed to help you reach your professional goals. To learn more ways you can improve your resume and career readiness, book a consultation with one of our career coaches today!

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